Other Services

Seasonal Spruce-Ups

This is an add-on or extra service that Hagan Binder provides on a consultative basis to our clients. Seasoned clients may need a “facelift” to an existing landscape garden or or new homeowners may want seasonal color or select pots added in the correct location! Hagan Binder Design can offer these services and even have the material delivered and ready to install by your local landscape maintenance team, or we are happy to install for you!

Wildflower Meadow Consultations

What fun! What a fun way to give your property a facelift, your mood a boost, put a spring in your step. Ashley Hagan Binder has many countless hours and has installed over $100k in wildflower plantings. Let her bring her expertise and passion to you! Hagan Binder can tailor your field to your site and needs – Annual, Perennial, High Deer Pressure, Low Maintenance, One Season, Multi Season, Pollinator, Labyrinth/Meditation or Wildflower Mazes – we can assist. Wildflowers are at the true heart and soul of who we are as a company, and we are excited to share this service with our clients! There is no broken heart, melancholy mood or boring yard that can’t be transformed by the power of the wildflower!

Bulbs and Year-Round Planning.

The Bulbs and Year Round Planning phase ensures that the landscape maintains its charm throughout the year. This is about selecting plants that bloom at different times, creating a continuous cycle of life and color. Hagan Binder can select and plant specialty and rare bulbs and corms, timing for the fall and spring planting to maximize your garden impact.

Cutting Gardens & Flower Beds.

Inspired by the English Cutting Gardens, and the cool climates of Western North Carolina, Hagan Binder is a specialist in planting and bringing to fruition a true English cutting garden. We maximize the site opportunities, taking into consideration time of year, aspect, soils, maintenance, owner time of occupancy, irrigation, pollinators, even owners preference of flower colors. We tailor a unique palette of flowering plants- both seeded and nursery grown, and design the space uniquely tailored to you. We provide a mini- version of our Initial Consult - Concept Development – CD process to streamline the process, tailoring a beautiful cutting garden for each of our clients.

Vegetables & Raised Beds.

Vegetables and Raised Beds Gardens, introduce an element of sustainability and self-sufficiency. Hagan Binder can advise on the products and details to make your project a success and can aid in install and maintenance. The kitchen garden is the heart of the home, and many wonderful memories are made in the functional, edible parts of the garden!

Containers / Firepits / Fountains / Water Features.

Some Clients have specific ideas of exactly what they want designed and installed - these include Containers, Firepits, Fountains, and Water Features. These elements add depth and character to the landscape, creating focal points and areas of interest. We love these specialty elements and can hone our contract and deliverables to get you exactly what you need.

ISA Arborist Services.

Ashley Hagan Binder is an ISA Certified Arborist in addition to being a licensed landscape architect. Her passion for trees and the natural environment reaches back to her childhood, playing in the woods as a young girl. As an ISA Arborist, Ashley can advise on tree care, pruning, species identification, disease and treatment, removal and risk assessment.

Flower Arranging / Guest Lecturing / Events.

We love a good party! There are so many wonderful things Hagan Binder would love to share with your guests, from lessons learned, wildflower plantings, cutting gardens before and after, Historical Lectures on the evolution of Traditional Garden Design, The Painter as Landscape Architect: as inspired by Gertrude Jeckyll and Roberto Burle Marx. Ashley has led flower arranging workshops and assisted with time-sensitive property spruce ups to facilitate romantic weddings and garden parties! We love a good garden lecture!

Government Transportation

Hagan Binder Design offers Transportation Landscape Architecture Design Services. Roadsides are unique and challenging locations for the installation of landscapes, and HBD brings many years of experience of designing sustainable and beautiful landscapes that thrive in the Roadside Environment. Ashley Hagan Binder has worked directly for The Florida Department of Transportation as a State Transportation Landscape Architect, managing over $800 million in contracts and landscape continuing design services for the State of Florida. The experience that HBD brings ensures the highest quality contract management deliverables for your Transportation projects in Florida and North Carolina. Experience ranges from establishment of Clear Zones and Sight Distance, assuring that landscape material is safely located outside of the Clear Zone, Selecting Native and Context Appropriate Plant Material that meets Department needs for Maintainability and Longevity, Irrigation Design, Tree and Palm Relocation, and Post Installation Inspections. HBD is prequalified in Groups 15 (Landscape Architecture) for FDOT and is a WBE (Woman Owned) and Small Business Certified in the State of Florida.

HOA Submittals.

Hagan Binder designs to comply with homeowner's association rules, maintaining harmony within the community. A partnering relationship is key. Hagan Binder has facilitated hundreds of HOA submittals and can ensure that your process goes smoothly and expeditiously!